CSSA History
History of the Crop Science Society of America
CSSA First President
CSSA First President, 1955-1956

CSSA Golden Anniversary Symposium
Tuesday, 8 November 2005: 7:55 AM
Marriott Downtown, Grand Ballroom Salon EF, Lobby Level
151: CSSA Golden Anniversary Symposium
Sponsor: Z10 CSSA Golden Anniversary Symposium
Presiding: Steven Fales, Iowa State University
7:55 AM
Introductory Remarks
8:00 AM
Improving Lives: 50 Years of Crop Breeding, Genetics, and Cytology.
P. S. Baenziger, Univ. of Nebraska, W. K. Russell, Univ. of Nebraska, G. L. Graef, Univ. of Nebraska, B. T. Campbell, USDA-ARS- Coastal Plains Res. Ctr.
8:30 AM
Genetic Tools from Nature and the Nature of Genetic Tools.
Ronald Phillips, University of Minnesota
9:00 AM
Plant Genetic Resources Conservation and Utilization: the Accomplishments and Future of a Societal Insurance Policy.
Paul Gepts, Univ. of California-Davis
9:30 AM
9:45 AM
10:00 AM
Unraveling the Mysteries of Crop Development, Growth, and Yield.
Thomas Sinclair, University of Florida
10:30 AM
A "Top Ten List" of Developments and Issues Impacting Crop Management and Ecology Over the Past 50 Years.
R. Kent Crookston, Brigham Young University
11:00 AM
Seeds: The Delivery System for Crop Science.
Dennis TeKrony, Univ. of Kentucky
11:30 AM
11:45 AM
1:00 PM
50 Years of Splendor in the Grass.
Robert Shearman, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
1:30 PM
Fifty Years of Grassland Science Leading to Change.
C. Jerry Nelson, University of Missouri
2:00 PM
2:15 PM
Concluding Remarks
2:30 PM