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<-- Select Committee By Name AC - Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment Editor - AC318.01 AC - Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment Editorial Board - AC318 AC - Annual Meeting Crops Judging Contest Committee - AC449.13 AC - ASA and CSSA K-12 Committee - AC591 AC - Collegiate Crops Contest Committee - AC424 AC - Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management Editor - AC315.01 AC - Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management Editorial Board - AC315 AC - Forage and Grazinglands Editorial Board - AC310 AC - The Plant Phenome Journal Editor - AC317.01 AC - The Plant Phenome Journal Editorial Board - AC317 AC - Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems Editor - AC316.01 AC - Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems Editorial Board - AC316 ACS - Academic Undergraduate Scholarship Committee - ACS470 ACS - Ad Hoc Awards Committee - ACS999 ACS - Agricultural & Environmental Letters Editorial Board - ACS330 ACS - Agricultural and Environmental Letters Editor - ACS330.01 ACS - Agronomic Science Foundation (ASF) Board of Trustees - ACS090 ACS - Agronomic Science Foundation (ASF) Budget and Finance Committee - ACS090.3 ACS - Agronomic Science Foundation (ASF) Development Advisory Committee - ACS090.2 ACS - Agronomic Science Foundation (ASF) Executive Committee - ACS090.1 ACS - Agronomic Science Foundation (ASF) Investment and Fund Management Committee - ACS090.4 ACS - Agronomic Science Foundation (ASF) Nominations Committee - ACS090.6 ACS - Agronomic Science Foundation (ASF) Policy and Procedures Committee - ACS090.7 ACS - Annual Meetings Planning Committee - ACS732 ACS - ASF Gateway Fund Review Committee - ACS090.8 ACS - Book and Multimedia Publishing Committee - ACS320 ACS - Botanical Society of America's Planting Science Program - ACS531 ACS - Bridge Scholars Working Group - ACS528.1 ACS - Decode 6 Advisory Committee - ACS598 ACS - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Committee - ACS528 ACS - Early Career Members Committee - ACS530 ACS - Editorial Policy Coordination Committee - ACS321 ACS - Emerging Leader and Visionary Scientist for African Agriculture Awards Committee - ACS469 ACS - Emeritus Membership Task Force - ACS237.2 ACS - Encompass Fellows and Scholars Working Group - ACS528.2 ACS - Ethics Committee - ACS521 ACS - Golden Opportunity Scholars Institute-Program Development at Annual Meeting - ACS466.1 ACS - Golden Opportunity Scholars Institute-Scholar and Mentor Selection - ACS466.2 ACS - Golden Opportunity Scholars Institute Coordinating Committee - ACS466 ACS - Graduate Student Committee - ACS238 ACS - Graduate Student Leadership Conference Selection Sub-committee - ACS238.3 ACS - Graduate Student Travel Grant sub-committee - ACS238.1 ACS - Journal of Environmental Quality Editor - ACS324.01 ACS - Journal of Environmental Quality Editorial Board - ACS324.1 ACS - Journals Peer Review Advisory Committee - ACS321.2 ACS - Methods of Soil Analysis Subcommittee - ACS320.1 ACS - NIFA Fellow Selection Committee - ACS442.9 ACS - Northeastern Regional Branch Officers and Board Members - ACS052 ACS - Science Policy Awards - ACS442.7 ACS - Society Publications Journal Task Force - ACS321.1 ACS - Students of Agronomy, Soils, and Environmental Sciences - ACS032 ACS - Task Force on International Activities - ACS201.4.4 ACS - Undergraduate Advisory Committee - ACS031 ACS - Women in Science Committee - ACS526 ACSESS - ACSESS Board of Directors - ACSESS003 ACSESS - ACSESS Budget, Finance & Audit Committee - ACSESS211 ACSESS - ACSESS Chair - ACSESS001.1 ACSESS - ACSESS Chief Executive Officer - ACSESS001.5 ACSESS - ACSESS Executive Committee - ACSESS002 ACSESS - ACSESS Operations and Policy Committee - ACSESS201 ACSESS - ACSESS Past Chair - ACSESS001.4 ACSESS - ACSESS Secretary - ACSESS001.7 ACSESS - ACSESS Staff Community Building Committee - ACSESS205 ACSESS - ACSESS Vice Chair - ACSESS001.2 ACSESS - Data Stewardship Committee - ACSESS201.1 ACSESS - NAPB Borlaug Scholar Committee - ACSESS468 ACSESS - Search Committee for the Chief Executive Officer - ACSESS001.5.8 C - AAAS, Section G--Biological Sciences - C631.4 C - AAAS, Section O--Agriculture, Food, and Renewable Resources - C631.5 C - AAAS Consortium of Affiliates for Security Policy - C631.9 C - Applied Turfgrass Science Editorial Board - C311 C - Betty Klepper Endowed Lectureship Committee - C711.09 C - Budget & Finance Committee - C211 C - Calvin Sperling Memorial Biodiversity Lectureship Committee - C711.10 C - Council for Agricultural Science & Technology--CAST - C691.1 C - Council of Scientific Society Presidents - C613 C - Crop Management Editorial Board - C308 C - Crop Science Distinguished Award Committee - C452 C - Crop Science Editor - C302.01 C - Crop Science Editorial Board - C302 C - Crop Science Extension Education Award Committee - C464 C - Crop Science Graduate Student Scholarship Committee - C457 C - Crop Science Outstanding Paper Award Committee - C302.3 C - Crop Science Research Award Committee - C451 C - Crop Science Teaching Improvement Committee - C561 C - CSSA Board of Directors - C003 C - CSSA Chief Executive Officer - C001.5 C - CSSA Chris Stiegler Turfgrass Science Graduate Student Travel Award Committee - C467 C - CSSA Early Career Award Committee - C454 C - CSSA Editor-in-Chief - C301.01 C - CSSA Editorial Reviewer Opportunities - C000.3 C - CSSA Executive Committee - C002 C - CSSA Mentoring Opportunities - C000.4 C - CSSA Mott Award Selection Committee - C457.2 C - CSSA Past President - C001.3 C - CSSA President - C001.1 C - CSSA President-Elect - C001.2 C - CSSA Specialized Conferences Committee - C733 C - CSSA Task Force/Working Group Opportunities - C000.1 C - CSSA Task Force/Working Group Opportunities - Science Policy Focus - C000.2 C - Division C-1, Crop Breeding and Genetics Officers - C011.01 C - Division C-2, Crop Physiology and Metabolism Officers - C011.02 C - Division C-3, Crop Ecology, Management, and Quality Officers - C011.03 C - Division C-4, Seed Physiology, Production, and Technology Officers - C011.04 C - Division C-5, Turfgrass Science Officers - C011.05 C - Division C-6, Forage and Grazinglands Officers - C011.06 C - Division C-7 Poster Contest Subcommittee - C011.07.01 C - Division C-7, Genomics, Molecular Genetics, and Biotechnology Officers - C011.07 C - Division C-8, Plant Genetic Resources Officers - C011.08 C - Division C-9, Crops for Nutrition and Health Officers - C011.09 C - Editorial Affairs, Policies, & Practices Committee - C301 C - Fellows Committee - C455 C - Frank N. Meyer Medal for Plant Genetic Resources Committee - C453 C - Fred V. Grau Turfgrass Science Award Committee - C458 C - Glossary of Crop Science Terms - C354 C - Grad Student Subcommittee for CSSA Board of Director Representative - C238.1 C - International Crop Science Committee - C953 C - International Crop Science Congress Travel Grants Committee - C952.1 C - International Crop Science Society - C664 C - Journal of Plant Registrations Editor - C312.01 C - Journal of Plant Registrations Editorial Board - C312 C - Martin and Ruth Massengale Lectureship Committee - C711.11 C - National Alfalfa & Misc. Legumes Review Board - C655.4 C - National Grass Variety Review Board - C655.1 C - National Small Grain Variety Review Board - C655.2 C - National Soybean Variety Review Board - C655.3 C - National Sunflower Variety Review Board - C655.5 C - Nominations for President-Elect Committee - C101 C - Organization, Policy, & Bylaws Committee - C201 C - Plant Breeding Reviews - C661 C - Program Planning Committee - C711 C - Ron Phillips Plant Genetics Lectureship Committee - C711.12 C - Science Policy Committee - C537 C - Seed Science Award Committee - C459 C - Special Awards Committee - C491.2 C - The Plant Genome Editor - C304.01 C - The Plant Genome Editorial Board - C304 C - Weed Science Society of America - C622 C - Western Society of Crop Science Branch Officers - C054 OR <-- Select Committee By Code AC310 - AC - Forage and Grazinglands Editorial Board AC315 - AC - Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management Editorial Board AC315.01 - AC - Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management Editor AC316 - AC - Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems Editorial Board AC316.01 - AC - Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems Editor AC317 - AC - The Plant Phenome Journal Editorial Board AC317.01 - AC - The Plant Phenome Journal Editor AC318 - AC - Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment Editorial Board AC318.01 - AC - Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment Editor AC424 - AC - Collegiate Crops Contest Committee AC449.13 - AC - Annual Meeting Crops Judging Contest Committee AC591 - AC - ASA and CSSA K-12 Committee ACS031 - ACS - Undergraduate Advisory Committee ACS032 - ACS - Students of Agronomy, Soils, and Environmental Sciences ACS052 - ACS - Northeastern Regional Branch Officers and Board Members ACS090 - ACS - Agronomic Science Foundation (ASF) Board of Trustees ACS090.1 - ACS - Agronomic Science Foundation (ASF) Executive Committee ACS090.2 - ACS - Agronomic Science Foundation (ASF) Development Advisory Committee ACS090.3 - ACS - Agronomic Science Foundation (ASF) Budget and Finance Committee ACS090.4 - ACS - Agronomic Science Foundation (ASF) Investment and Fund Management Committee ACS090.6 - ACS - Agronomic Science Foundation (ASF) Nominations Committee ACS090.7 - ACS - Agronomic Science Foundation (ASF) Policy and Procedures Committee ACS090.8 - ACS - ASF Gateway Fund Review Committee ACS201.4.4 - ACS - Task Force on International Activities ACS237.2 - ACS - Emeritus Membership Task Force ACS238 - ACS - Graduate Student Committee ACS238.1 - ACS - Graduate Student Travel Grant sub-committee ACS238.3 - ACS - Graduate Student Leadership Conference Selection Sub-committee ACS320 - ACS - Book and Multimedia Publishing Committee ACS320.1 - ACS - Methods of Soil Analysis Subcommittee ACS321 - ACS - Editorial Policy Coordination Committee ACS321.1 - ACS - Society Publications Journal Task Force ACS321.2 - ACS - Journals Peer Review Advisory Committee ACS324.01 - ACS - Journal of Environmental Quality Editor ACS324.1 - ACS - Journal of Environmental Quality Editorial Board ACS330 - ACS - Agricultural & Environmental Letters Editorial Board ACS330.01 - ACS - Agricultural and Environmental Letters Editor ACS442.7 - ACS - Science Policy Awards ACS442.9 - ACS - NIFA Fellow Selection Committee ACS466 - ACS - Golden Opportunity Scholars Institute Coordinating Committee ACS466.1 - ACS - Golden Opportunity Scholars Institute-Program Development at Annual Meeting ACS466.2 - ACS - Golden Opportunity Scholars Institute-Scholar and Mentor Selection ACS469 - ACS - Emerging Leader and Visionary Scientist for African Agriculture Awards Committee ACS470 - ACS - Academic Undergraduate Scholarship Committee ACS521 - ACS - Ethics Committee ACS526 - ACS - Women in Science Committee ACS528 - ACS - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Committee ACS528.1 - ACS - Bridge Scholars Working Group ACS528.2 - ACS - Encompass Fellows and Scholars Working Group ACS530 - ACS - Early Career Members Committee ACS531 - ACS - Botanical Society of America's Planting Science Program ACS598 - ACS - Decode 6 Advisory Committee ACS732 - ACS - Annual Meetings Planning Committee ACS999 - ACS - Ad Hoc Awards Committee ACSESS001.1 - ACSESS - ACSESS Chair ACSESS001.2 - ACSESS - ACSESS Vice Chair ACSESS001.4 - ACSESS - ACSESS Past Chair ACSESS001.5 - ACSESS - ACSESS Chief Executive Officer ACSESS001.5.8 - ACSESS - Search Committee for the Chief Executive Officer ACSESS001.7 - ACSESS - ACSESS Secretary ACSESS002 - ACSESS - ACSESS Executive Committee ACSESS003 - ACSESS - ACSESS Board of Directors ACSESS201 - ACSESS - ACSESS Operations and Policy Committee ACSESS201.1 - ACSESS - Data Stewardship Committee ACSESS205 - ACSESS - ACSESS Staff Community Building Committee ACSESS211 - ACSESS - ACSESS Budget, Finance & Audit Committee ACSESS468 - ACSESS - NAPB Borlaug Scholar Committee C000.1 - C - CSSA Task Force/Working Group Opportunities C000.2 - C - CSSA Task Force/Working Group Opportunities - Science Policy Focus C000.3 - C - CSSA Editorial Reviewer Opportunities C000.4 - C - CSSA Mentoring Opportunities C001.1 - C - CSSA President C001.2 - C - CSSA President-Elect C001.3 - C - CSSA Past President C001.5 - C - CSSA Chief Executive Officer C002 - C - CSSA Executive Committee C003 - C - CSSA Board of Directors C011.01 - C - Division C-1, Crop Breeding and Genetics Officers C011.02 - C - Division C-2, Crop Physiology and Metabolism Officers C011.03 - C - Division C-3, Crop Ecology, Management, and Quality Officers C011.04 - C - Division C-4, Seed Physiology, Production, and Technology Officers C011.05 - C - Division C-5, Turfgrass Science Officers C011.06 - C - Division C-6, Forage and Grazinglands Officers C011.07 - C - Division C-7, Genomics, Molecular Genetics, and Biotechnology Officers C011.07.01 - C - Division C-7 Poster Contest Subcommittee C011.08 - C - Division C-8, Plant Genetic Resources Officers C011.09 - C - Division C-9, Crops for Nutrition and Health Officers C054 - C - Western Society of Crop Science Branch Officers C101 - C - Nominations for President-Elect Committee C201 - C - Organization, Policy, & Bylaws Committee C211 - C - Budget & Finance Committee C238.1 - C - Grad Student Subcommittee for CSSA Board of Director Representative C301 - C - Editorial Affairs, Policies, & Practices Committee C301.01 - C - CSSA Editor-in-Chief C302 - C - Crop Science Editorial Board C302.01 - C - Crop Science Editor C302.3 - C - Crop Science Outstanding Paper Award Committee C304 - C - The Plant Genome Editorial Board C304.01 - C - The Plant Genome Editor C308 - C - Crop Management Editorial Board C311 - C - Applied Turfgrass Science Editorial Board C312 - C - Journal of Plant Registrations Editorial Board C312.01 - C - Journal of Plant Registrations Editor C354 - C - Glossary of Crop Science Terms C451 - C - Crop Science Research Award Committee C452 - C - Crop Science Distinguished Award Committee C453 - C - Frank N. Meyer Medal for Plant Genetic Resources Committee C454 - C - CSSA Early Career Award Committee C455 - C - Fellows Committee C457 - C - Crop Science Graduate Student Scholarship Committee C457.2 - C - CSSA Mott Award Selection Committee C458 - C - Fred V. Grau Turfgrass Science Award Committee C459 - C - Seed Science Award Committee C464 - C - Crop Science Extension Education Award Committee C467 - C - CSSA Chris Stiegler Turfgrass Science Graduate Student Travel Award Committee C491.2 - C - Special Awards Committee C537 - C - Science Policy Committee C561 - C - Crop Science Teaching Improvement Committee C613 - C - Council of Scientific Society Presidents C622 - C - Weed Science Society of America C631.4 - C - AAAS, Section G--Biological Sciences C631.5 - C - AAAS, Section O--Agriculture, Food, and Renewable Resources C631.9 - C - AAAS Consortium of Affiliates for Security Policy C655.1 - C - National Grass Variety Review Board C655.2 - C - National Small Grain Variety Review Board C655.3 - C - National Soybean Variety Review Board C655.4 - C - National Alfalfa & Misc. Legumes Review Board C655.5 - C - National Sunflower Variety Review Board C661 - C - Plant Breeding Reviews C664 - C - International Crop Science Society C691.1 - C - Council for Agricultural Science & Technology--CAST C711 - C - Program Planning Committee C711.09 - C - Betty Klepper Endowed Lectureship Committee C711.10 - C - Calvin Sperling Memorial Biodiversity Lectureship Committee C711.11 - C - Martin and Ruth Massengale Lectureship Committee C711.12 - C - Ron Phillips Plant Genetics Lectureship Committee C733 - C - CSSA Specialized Conferences Committee C952.1 - C - International Crop Science Congress Travel Grants Committee C953 - C - International Crop Science Committee
Year 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005
Year Committee Name Committee Number